Img is a tag that will lazily load an image whenever the tag is in the viewport. This is extremely useful when generating a large list as images are only loaded when they're visible. The component uses Intersection Observer internally, which is supported in most modern browsers, but falls back to a setTimeout
when it is not supported.
Basic Usage
alt="The Wisconsin State Capitol building in Madison, WI at night"
Description | This attribute defines the alternative text describing the image. Users will see this text displayed if the image URL is wrong, the image is not in one of the supported formats, or if the image is not yet downloaded. |
Attribute | alt |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | 画像のURL。この属性は <img> 要素では必須です。 |
Attribute | src |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Name | Description |
ionError | imgの読み込みに失敗したときに発行されます。 |
ionImgDidLoad | 画像の読み込みが終了したときに発行されます。 |
ionImgWillLoad | img srcが設定されたときに発行されます。 |
No public methods available for this component.
CSS Shadow Parts
Name | Description |
image | 内側の img 要素。 |
CSS Custom Properties
No CSS custom properties available for this component.
No slots available for this component.